
Is Used In Service But No Declaration Was Found In The Volumes Section.

@azhavoro exactly, lets say I take fifteen annotated Images/Frames and I would similar to delete 2 Frames. Is this possible ?

Andrey Zhavoronkov


@LordTrololo Unfortunately no, CVAT doesn't support this

When trying to go to localhost:7080, I have this:

@vinorth05 Howdy, could you please attach your docker-config, output of docker logs cvat > cvat.logcommand? As well browser logs will be helpful (open Chrome devtools with F12 or Ctrl+Shift+I and go to console tab).

Vinorth Varatharasan


Thank you for your reply, here are the documents you asked

Nikolaas Steenbergen


Nosotros have some pre annotated data with some custom attributes, that we can export to XML. We are planning to import these xml files into cvat, correct some annotations and consign it again. It seems cvat removes the custom attributes when exporting again. Is it possible to go on these custom attributes after Im and exporting at all?

Vinorth Varatharasan


@azhavoro Here is the command I do:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.yml -f docker-etch.override.yml up -d --build

Vinorth Varatharasan



Andrey Zhavoronkov


@vinorth05 Could you lot please attempt to reproduce the issue with using other directory on the host equally share? I mean you should create a new folder and modify the deviceoption to point the new dir. At the moment I approximate only permission or directory mode problem with the mounted fileserver to /mnt/ftp_dataset.

Hello all! I'chiliad trying to setup a sandbox database for an engineer to freely query and exam some things. I need to restore the database from the production surround into this examination environs merely I can't seem to properly overwrite the base cvat database. Whatsoever pointers?

Andrey Zhavoronkov


@DerrickBCat Howdy, on the product pg_dump cvat > db_dump.sql, on the sandbox dropdb cvat && createdb cvat && pg_restore -d cvat < db_dump.sql; This commands should be runned in the cvat_db docker container docker exec -information technology cvat_db fustigate; Also to transfer the database dump you can use docker cp command. Please note for the restore procedure yous should stop cvat container.

@azhavoro Appreciate the response, Andrey. I'm even so running into an upshot where information technology's telling me I have agile sessions and won't go through with the dump. I tried running this sql command through dbeaver to break the active sessions simply had no luck

                                                SELECT                  pg_terminate_backend(                  FROM                  pg_stat_activity                  WHERE                  pg_stat_activity.datname =                  'target_db'                  AND                  pid <> pg_backend_pid();                          

Andrey Zhavoronkov


@DerrickBCat it's expected, just cease cvat container; docker stop cvat

@azhavoro Got it. Appreciate the assistance!

Vinorth Varatharasan


@azhavoro I did what you said and I got this error :

ERROR: Configuration for volume cvat_share specifies "device" driver_opt /mnt/ftp_dataset_v2, but a volume with the same proper name uses a different "device" driver_opt (/mnt/ftp_dataset). If you wish to use the new configuration, please remove the existing book "cvat_cvat_share" first:
$ docker volume rm cvat_cvat_share

And when I do "docker volume rm cvat_cvat_share", I got :

Fault response from daemon: remove cvat_cvat_share: book is in use - [9fe842dc4f7786f8c5d3c4781d82205d622dbbd0aa84bb7a3b484a7da42817ff]

Lorenzo Andraghetti


@azhavoro no it doesn't. I estimate CVAT should create it somehow, simply i don't know how

@azhavoro hither is category list in my COCO annotation file: "categories": [{"id": 0, "name": "supertanker"}, {"id": 1, "proper name": "containership"}, {"id": 2, "name": "cruiseship"}, {"id": iii, "name": "diveboat"}, {"id": 4, "name": "sailboat"}, {"id": 5, "proper noun": "tugboat"}] and I have added the aforementioned labels in the constructor, but yet I am getting the aforementioned mistake: "Can not upload annotations for the task. Lawmaking: 500. Message: "cvat.apps.engine.utils.InterpreterError: KeyError at line 350: 1\n""

Howdy, did anyone experience issues while uploading annotations to the task? I simply created a chore with 9 labels, did some dummy annotations and dumped them in Pascal VOC format. Than I tried to upload them and information technology is declining for some reason. The popup error message says

Tin can not upload annotations for the job. Lawmaking: 500. Bulletin: "cvat.apps.engine.utils.InterpreterError: AssertionError\north"

In the chrome dev tool I see this error

Failed to load resources: the server responded with a status of 500 (Internal Server Error)

And log message says

assert label_id is not None

I dont understand the terminal message. What does information technology mean?



@azhavoro. I have tried what you have sent. Now I am getting new error "Named volume "cvat_share:/dwelling/django/share:ro" is used in service "cvat" simply no proclamation was establish in the volumes section.".



@azhavoro But adding to previous question. after making changes, I am running docker-compose build --no-cache. Is this the right way or am i missing something. Please suggest.

Swarnim Kalbande


Does anyone know how I can use filter to view frames with objects that accept the eye icon not crossed out? This doesn't seem to work: *[outside!="truthful"]

Swarnim Kalbande


The aforementioned thing works with *[occluded!="truthful"]

Andrey Zhavoronkov


@azhavoro I did what you said and I got this error :

ERROR: Configuration for volume cvat_share specifies "device" driver_opt /mnt/ftp_dataset_v2, but a volume with the same proper noun uses a different "device" driver_opt (/mnt/ftp_dataset). If you wish to employ the new configuration, delight remove the existing volume "cvat_cvat_share" outset:
$ docker book rm cvat_cvat_share

@vinorth05 First you should stop all containers, brand certain that docker ps doesn't contain any cvat* containers

@azhavoro here is category list in my COCO annotation file: "categories": [{"id": 0, "name": "supertanker"}, {"id": 1, "proper name": "containership"}, {"id": 2, "proper noun": "cruiseship"}, {"id": iii, "name": "diveboat"}, {"id": 4, "name": "sailboat"}, {"id": 5, "name": "tugboat"}] and I have added the same labels in the constructor, simply still I am getting the same error: "Can not upload annotations for the job. Code: 500. Message: "cvat.apps.engine.utils.InterpreterError: KeyError at line 350: 1\n""

@zardadi Hi, could you lot share your Coco annotation?

Howdy, did anyone experience problems while uploading annotations to the task? I but created a task with 9 labels, did some dummy annotations and dumped them in Pascal VOC format. Than I tried to upload them and it is failing for some reason. The popup fault bulletin says

Can not upload annotations for the job. Code: 500. Message: "cvat.apps.engine.utils.InterpreterError: AssertionError\n"

In the chrome dev tool I see this mistake

Failed to load resources: the server responded with a condition of 500 (Internal Server Fault)

And log message says

affirm label_id is non None

I dont sympathise the last bulletin. What does it mean?

@zhiltsov-max Could you delight investigate? Thanks.

@azhavoro. I take tried what you take sent. Now I am getting new error "Named volume "cvat_share:/home/django/share:ro" is used in service "cvat" but no proclamation was plant in the volumes section.".

I need output of docker-compose config command

how-do-you-do, nosotros have an important issue regarding shortcuts,

Pressing N resets the attributes of the previously annotated labeld. I can reproduce this, though I could not endeavour it on the latest release withal.

Maxim Zhiltsov


Lorenzo Andraghetti


My cvat doesn't salvage the location of bounding boxes after a while. I guess i should revert to an older version.

Andrey Zhavoronkov


@azhavoro no information technology doesn't. I guess CVAT should create it somehow, but i don't know how
My cvat doesn't save the location of bounding boxes subsequently a while. I guess i should revert to an older version.

@andraghetti What version of CVAT are you using?

Lorenzo Andraghetti


last commit c2d58e5b7ddd2a063261099ae842338453b844f7

Andrey Zhavoronkov


The same matter works with *[occluded!="truthful"]

filter doesn't back up outside prop

Proverb Zhiltsov


@andraghetti, could you provide more data on what you are trying to do?

Mathis Chenuet


Hello, is it possible to add together new images to an existing task ?

Andrey Zhavoronkov


Howdy, is it possible to add together new images to an existing job ?

Hello, information technology's not possible.

Boris Sekachev


It is expected. You create a new object. All attributes in it are set by default.
Or what do you mean?

@bsekachev TY for the response!
I meant, the previously labelled note a different one, if explained step by step it si like this:

1st annotation : Due north—>click—>N—>set up aspect to B where default is A
2d annotation: N—>(makes 1st annotations attribute is reset to A )

This only happens for a single label though, I patched information technology via CLI previously maybe patch mixed upwards somethings. Nosotros did not have that issue before.

Boris Sekachev



Sounds strange.
I cannot reproduce information technology at least in current develop co-operative

@bsekachev I suspect the patching op. tbh, we have been using it for months and this is the first time it happened. Because of the tight schedule we used a workaround only I will endeavor to isolate the issue.

I had updated the labes with a patch, same aspect selections with different two names e.g. :
label name : A, attribute1 select manner from [x, y,z]
characterization name : B, attribute1 select fashion from [x, y,z]

and only happens when North is pressed, does not happen with create shape click.

Locking the annotation prevents this.

Boris Sekachev


So, take you patched source code to brand some magic with similar labels? Right?

@bsekachev not the source code, by patch I meant updating the labels in the tasks at CVAT.

used patch 'cus swagger calls information technology patch pitiful my bad:)


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