Is Deductible Calculated On Date Of Service Or Date Of Claim
When moving to Switzerland, it's of import to become to grips with the Swiss taxation system and revenue enhancement rates, which vary considerably depending on which of the country'south 26 cantons you live in.
This guide offers an overview of the revenue enhancement arrangement in Switzerland, including advice on the following:
- The tax system in Switzerland
- Federal taxes in Switzerland
- Cantonal and municipal taxes in Switzerland
- Taxes on goods and services (VAT) in Switzerland
- Who has to pay tax in Switzerland?
- Swiss tax system for foreigners
- Income taxation in Switzerland
- Tax on belongings and wealth in Switzerland
- Inheritance tax in Switzerland
- Visitor taxes in Switzerland
- Tax abstention and evasion in Switzerland
- Tax advice in Switzerland
- Useful resources
ExpatTax is an innovative fiduciary company located in Solothurn, Switzerland. It is committed to providing expats in Switzerland with professional person and friendly financial services at affordable rates. These include audit, accounting and business consultancy.
The taxation system in Switzerland
The Swiss revenue enhancement system can be very complicated, especially if you're new to the country.
The Swiss Federal Constitution governs taxes in Switzerland. Some taxes are prepare and administered by the federal government, and others are left to the private cantons. There are four levels of Swiss revenue enhancement authorities: federal, cantonal, municipal, and the church.
On an international scale, taxes in Switzerland are fairly moderate, though there are considerable differences in tax rates between the various cantons and municipalities.
Federal taxes in Switzerland
The federal regime has complete authorisation over VAT, stamp duty, withholding tax, customs duties, and special consumption tax in Switzerland.
It also sets base levels for other major taxes. For instance, when y'all pay income revenue enhancement or corporate taxation in Switzerland, your final calculation volition exist fabricated up of the federal rate plus your canton's charge per unit.
Cantonal and municipal taxes in Switzerland
There are 26 Swiss cantons and around 2,250 municipalities, all of which have certain powers when it comes to taxes.

Swiss cantons take the freedom to gear up their own income tax, corporate tax, and wealth taxation levels. They besides levy holding taxes, inheritance taxes, and gift taxes. Gift taxes, however, are becoming less and less common.
Municipalities are responsible for local taxes, which can include things like taxes on owning pets and motor vehicles, tickets for events, and local hospitality.
Church building taxes
The parishes of the 3 national churches (Christian Catholic, Protestant, and Roman Cosmic) in Switzerland levy a church tax on their members in nigh all cantons.
Taxes on goods and services (VAT) in Switzerland
VAT (Mehrwertsteuer or Taxe sur la valeur ajoutée) in Switzerland is charged on goods and services. Companies with revenues of more than CHF 100,000 per year must annals for VAT. You tin find out if your company is liable for VAT on the Swiss government website.
The standard VAT revenue enhancement rate in Switzerland is vii.7%. A lower rate of iii.7% is charged for the hotel industry. Nutrient, books, and newspapers are taxed at two.v%, while medical, educational, and cultural services are exempt from VAT.
Who has to pay revenue enhancement in Switzerland?
Swiss residents and temporary residents working in Switzerland must pay income tax on their worldwide earnings. Y'all'll be considered a Swiss resident for revenue enhancement purposes if you lot remain in the state for more than xc days (or 30 days if you're working).
If the regime do non consider you lot a Swiss resident, yous just pay tax on your Swiss income.
Tax allowances and exemptions in Switzerland
Workers in Switzerland accept a series of allowances they can deduct from their tax bills. How much y'all can claim depends on your status and where you alive.
For example, in 2021, married taxpayers could claim an allowance of CHF 2,600 confronting their federal income tax, plus CHF half dozen,500 for each dependent kid under the age of xviii. Farther allowances vary between cantons. For example, residents of Zurich received an allowance of CHF 9,000 against the cantonal portion of their tax, while Geneva had a higher maximum deduction of CHF xiii,000.
When filling out a taxation return, yous'll also be able to deduct employment expenses such as commuting costs and costs of meals at your place of work. Farther deductions may be available for costs such as alimony, clemency contributions, daycare, and medical expenses.
Swiss tax system for foreigners
One of the biggest concerns for expats living and working in abroad is the danger of being liable for taxes in both their new country and their home country.
In order to help expats avert double taxation, Switzerland has double tax treaties with more than fourscore countries. These include Australia, Iceland, Hong Kong, the United States, and the United Kingdom.
British, American, and Canadian expats in Switzerland tin can read most filing your taxes while living abroad for more information on how to ensure they follow their home country's revenue enhancement rules. If you lot're a Britain national, you tin can learn well-nigh the QROPS scheme for transferring UK pensions when moving away.
Automatic exchange of information
Switzerland is ane of more than 100 countries that has signed upward for the automatic exchange of information (AEOI) system, which aims to prevent cross-border tax evasion.
In 2020, the Swiss government shared details of more than one thousand thousand banking concern accounts with 66 partner countries. In return, it received details of 815,000 accounts held by Swiss citizens in 86 partner countries.
Income taxation in Switzerland
Income tax in Switzerland is levied by both the federal regime and your canton. This means that your revenue enhancement calculation in Switzerland is a combination of the rate set by the government and the rate in your local surface area.
Swiss revenue enhancement laws consider families to be one unit for tax purposes. If y'all're married, you'll need to fill out a articulation revenue enhancement return and your calculation will exist based on the combined income of both you and your partner. If you have a child under the age of 18 who is in employment, this as well must exist declared in your revenue enhancement render.
Tax scales vary depending on your relationship status and whether you have children. For example, a unmarried taxpayer must pay 11.5% federal tax when they earn more than CHF 755,200, only married people and unmarried parents won't pay this taxation rate unless they earn more than than CHF 895,900.
The easiest way to find out your taxation liability is by using the Swiss government's federal and cantonal online tax calculators.
How to file your income taxation render in Switzerland
Swiss citizens, people married to Swiss citizens, and foreigners with permanent residence all need to file an annual tax render. You'll also demand to fill in a tax render if you conduct freelance work, piece of work for a strange company, or – in some cantons – own real estate in Switzerland.
Private cantons administrate their own tax returns – the Swiss government's website provides links for each county.
The tax twelvemonth in Switzerland corresponds with the calendar year. In about cantons, y'all need to file your revenue enhancement return three months later, by 31 March. The majority of cantons allow ane free extension. You may exist able to pay for a farther extension if necessary.
Self-employed income revenue enhancement in Switzerland
If you prepare upwardly a business in Switzerland, y'all'll need to submit a tax return equally a self-employed worker. Yous will exist charged on your business income and personal wealth.
Tax on property and wealth in Switzerland
Holding tax (land tax/existent estate taxation)
Belongings tax, likewise known equally land tax or real estate revenue enhancement, is a cantonal tax on land and buildings. This is payable by the registered owners or users of the holding in the land annals.
Property taxation is calculated on the total taxable value of the holding. Information technology doesn't accept whatsoever related debts or mortgages into account. Backdrop are taxed at their location, regardless of where the owner lives.
Non all cantons accuse a property revenue enhancement, simply it's unremarkably levied in tourist resorts and areas with high numbers of second homes. Property taxation rates generally range from 0.1% to 0.15% of the belongings's taxable value.
Tax on rental value
Property owners must also pay income tax on a belongings's perceived rental value. This is the amount yous would receive if you lot rented out the holding.
Rental value is more often than not based on 70% of market hire. Y'all can deduct mortgage interest payments and maintenance costs from your taxable income.
Wealth tax
Expats who own property or other avails in Switzerland may also need to pay wealth tax.
Anyone who owns an apartment or house must declare it as an asset in their tax render. Wealth tax is based on your net wealth, just proven debts (such equally mortgages) tin be offset against it.
Wealth tax varies between cantons, with maximum rates varying from effectually 0.5% to 0.eight%.
Tax on shares
Dividends from shares and ETFs are non tax-deductible. All the same, gains accomplished through ownership and selling shares are tax-deductible, as long as you're non a professional securities dealer. You lot can outset any debt y'all take confronting your savings.
Withholding taxation
Federal withholding taxation is levied at 35% on some forms of income, most notably dividend payments, involvement on banking company loans and bonds, liquidation proceeds, lottery prizes in a higher place CHF one,000, and payments by life insurances and private pension funds. A rate of 15% applies for pensions, and 8% on other insurance benefits.
Postage duties
Stamp duties are federal taxes levied on some commercial transactions. The name is an anachronism and dates back to the fourth dimension when such taxes were administered with physical stamps.
Postage stamp duties include result tax, which is levied on the issue of securities such equally shares and bonds, and transfer tax, which is charged to stockbrokers and holding companies when they trade securities.
Inheritance tax in Switzerland
Expats living in Switzerland can choose whether Swiss inheritance tax constabulary or the laws of their home state should use in the event of their death.
If someone dies without leaving a will, Swiss laws volition apply by default. Swiss inheritance law includes forced heirship rules, which means that some relatives cannot exist disinherited even through a last will and testament.
At least l% of an estate must go to the spouse or registered partner, and at least 75% of the remaining half to the children and grandchildren. Rates of inheritance tax vary betwixt cantons. Some share inheritance revenue enhancement responsibilities with municipalities, while some levy taxes for all residents.
Company taxes in Switzerland
Any company with a registered role in Switzerland is liable for Swiss tax, while foreign companies away are liable for express taxation if they hold existent estate in Switzerland.

Switzerland is an attractive destination for foreign business owners and investors, thanks to its low revenue enhancement rates. The federal Swiss corporate tax rate is a flat rate of viii.5%, but additional cantonal and municipal rates tin can vary considerably. The maximum corporate tax rate including all federal, cantonal, and communal taxes is between 11.9% and 21.6%. However, a range of allowances and deductions ways you'll usually pay much less.
Tax avoidance and evasion in Switzerland
Switzerland has long been described as a tax haven. Notwithstanding, recent years take seen changes in the tax organisation. For example, in 2019, Switzerland voted in a corporate tax reform which meant that the same taxation rules would utilise to all companies. This also meant the abolition of tax privileges that certain types of companies, including multinationals, formerly enjoyed.
Taxation advice in Switzerland
Considering how complicated the Swiss income tax system can be, and the importance of self-employed expats getting their tax returns correct, it's advisable to seek advice from an accountant.
Not just can a professional save you time and stress, but they can as well make certain you're taking full advantage of the available tax allowances, and can save you lot from a hefty fine if you get information technology wrong.
If y'all're looking for an accountant in Switzerland, the International Federation of Accountants can be a expert place to showtime. You tin can too detect Swiss financial advisors in our Switzerland directory.
Useful resources
- Federal and cantonal tax calculators
- Swiss government – how to complete your tax render online
- International Federation of Accountants
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